Demodara Railway Station

Demodara Railway Station Demodara Railway Station Demodara Railway Station

Demodara railway station is the third last station on the Main Line, and is 277.71 km (172.56 mi) away from Colombo. It is located 912.5 m (2,994 ft) above mean sea level and 8 km (5.0 mi) from Badulla, the capital city of Uva Province. All the trains that run on the Main Line, including the Podi Menike and Udarata Menike express trains stop at the station.

The station is most notable for its spiral rail line at this location, popularly known as the 'Demodara Loop'. The rail line passes under itself, going around the loop and emerging from a tunnel, which runs directly beneath the Demodara railway station. The rail loop is approximately 900 metres (3,000 ft) long and the tunnel is 320 m (1,050 ft) in length.

Demodara Railway Station Demodara Railway Station Demodara Railway Station
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