Sri Lanka’s gem industry has a very long and colorful history. Sri Lanka was affectionately known as Ratna-Dweepa which means Gem Island. The name is a reflection of its natural wealth. Marco Polo wrote that the island had the best sapphires, topazes, amethysts, and other gems in the world.
Star Stones
Star Sapphires are always cut into a Cabochon shape with a high dome. This is the only way that the shining star will be seen from the stone. Cutting star sapphires is often remain very few cutters. Miners and first hand buyers only trust the highly experienced cutters who have years' experience and specialization as the cutter need to strike the balance between the carats, stars and colour.
The star in star Sapphires is caused by a phenomenon called Asterism. When viewed with a single overhead light source star Sapphires will show a six rayed star pattern. In most of the cases the star can be clearly under natural light, but it can also be viewed using a strong source of direct light such as a penlight or a halogen bulb. This pattern is caused by microscopic inclusions created by the internal "silk" (rutile needles) that reflect the light. Unlike the other sapphires star sapphires are not translucent.
Explore Gem Mines
Explore Gem Mines in Ratnapura from Negombo
정가 ₩130,000 KRW에서정가단가 / 단위 -
Explore Gem Mines in Ratnapura from Colombo
정가 ₩181,000 KRW에서정가단가 / 단위₩195,000 KRW할인가 ₩181,000 KRW에서할인 -
Explore Gem Mines in Rathnapura from Kalutara
정가 ₩225,000 KRW에서정가단가 / 단위₩281,000 KRW할인가 ₩225,000 KRW에서할인 -
라비니아 산에서 라트나푸라의 보석 광산을 탐험하세요
정가 ₩262,000 KRW에서정가단가 / 단위₩327,000 KRW할인가 ₩262,000 KRW에서할인