Opera Plaza

This popular property is located in Cluj napoca . The property consists of 64 rooms. The property is air-conditioned in public areas. The front desk offers 24-hour reception. Guests can make use of the currency exchange facilities. Guests can store coats in the cloakroom. There is a newspaper stand on the premises. Guests can relax on the terrace. Guests can make use of internet access to stay connected to work or home. Guests can take advantage of room service to enjoy breakfast in bed. There is a laundry service. The establishment is wheelchair-accessible. The on-site car park may be useful to those arriving by car. There is a gym on the premises for guest convenience. Check-out is at . Guests can make use of the car hire service to explore the surrounding area. There is an airport transfer service for guest convenience. There is a secure parking on the premises. Multilingual staff is available to help guests with any queries or service bookings. Security is provided 24 hours a day. There is a bellboy service. Pets are allowed at this establishment. Large pets are allowed on the premises.
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